Next steps 🚶‍♂️

With all the main tasks done for the new blog such as buying the domain, setting up hosting and theme application, I’ve come to the next phase – aka road block. What’s next? 🤷‍♂️

Honestly, I have no idea. I’m trying to think about the content I want to create but worst of all, how do I find the content and schedule for it? 🕵️‍♂️ There isn’t any publicity about what I’m doing yet – which is great because it’ll make my site unique. At the same time, it makes it really hard to find out what to write.

I would need content to take this blog off and I need to find it fast. I’m going to forget about the themes first. I need to find the roadmap or the direction my website needs to be going towards. I think I should get going to write the “About” section first. That should get things going. 🤔

Also, I’m thinking next steps too. Especially a logo. I think I need to get that done first. I need an identity before I move forward too. Later on, I probably need to get a name card when things get bigger. 🌈

What else? 🤯

That’s about the new hobby/passion/side hustle that I’m doing but what about other stuff? Sure, let’s talk about that.

I think the only significant thing would be that I’m looking at getting my iPhone – the iPhone X🅁. Yes, that’s right. It’s not the X🅂 Max or the X🅂. The X🅁 is just a good fit for me. I like the design and display of the X🅂 but I just don’t see the difference especially with Liquid Retina having an amazing gamut. So yes, it’s going to be the X🅁. 📱

And yes, I’ll be getting it in red – (PRODUCT)RED – just for charity and cause the wifey said so. I was thinking Yellow but I’m just afraid I get sick of it lol. 😅

What happens to your iPhone 7 Plus then? I’m thinking I actually need to have a 2nd phone for my new side hustle too. So I’m going to keep it. And before AppleCare is up, I’m going to get that dead pixel fixed and battery replaced as well.

That way I’ve got 2 phones – don’t have to buy any other phone!


TL;DR: Finding direction for my new site, new phone, breath new life into old phone

2019 🛫

Hey there, it’s that time of the year again where I reflect on the year before and what’s to come next. It’s a little early but since I’m here let’s make the most of it. 😀 So let’s talk about what’s been happening – for those of you who haven’t caught up with me – and what’s to come for me. Exciting stuff. 🕺

New home, new beginnings 👫

I think as y’all know. I’m married. 🤵 I was thinking of writing a post of how it all went down but I just couldn’t find the time. Ya know, busy adulting. 😢 I’ll get to it – eventually. I’ll give you my recommendations and how you can do it all easily – and of course, the challenges as well. What’s life without obstacles right? 🤯

And in my previous post, I spoke of a new house as well. 🏡 Yes, I’ve been super busy with it. From checking for defects, renovating, and moving things – old and new – into the place to make it feel like home. We should start the housewarming real soon! So get ready for them invites! 🙀

So what’s next? 🤔 To be really honest, we don’t know. I don’t think we’re ready for a kid yet and we’re still getting comfortable in our new home. We still have to brave the first Chinese New Year as a married couple too and I guess settling down together too.  But I can’t wait to see the next part of our lives together! 😁

Passion blog 🤩

Yes, I’m going to start something – yet again. I won’t delve too much into it because of one word – secrecy. 😂 Probably got too much of it from that fruit company.

But it’s going to be something that I’ve always been passionate about since forever haha. I’ve never done it because I thought it wasn’t possible, or that it’s been milked to the ends of the universe already. 🚀 Another reason was that I didn’t think people would like my personality and it wasn’t the most marketable personality too. 🤓

But I knew I had to do something. I had to try and make a dent in the universe or better still – create a ripple effect for bigger, better things. 🌌 So, watch this space and I’ll let ya in as soon as I’m ready! I’m still trying to piece together how I’m actually going to do it – since I’ve got a job to juggle as well. So let’s hustle! 🚀 (I really like this emoji lol)

Wah, so little things only?!?! 😳

Yes. I think the last few years, I had a lot going for me – probably because I was single, oh lonely me. 🏃‍♂️ But now that I’m not alone, I know I’ve got the wife to always have my back – whether it’s an up or down. And I know we’ll pull through together. 💑

So that’s why I’m taking this huge leap of faith into this project – not knowing what would come of it.  And I want to really get into it – instead of just doing random things. That means, no stopping even though no one’s looking or just changing because I got bored. So I’m going to stick to this and when it’s 2020, maybe I’ll update you on how it’s been and whether I’m still doing it. But from now till then, it’s going to be a journey. 🛫


TL;DR: I'm still married, get ready for housewarming, something new is coming!

Welp, things changed

I remembered revamping my entire site and wrote a long-ass post about what’s happened to me. But it seems like that was it. And damn, it’s been really hard to get to blogging. I might probably bring my MacBook to work just to type whenever there’s time.

So what’s up since January? 🤷‍♂️

I got married, literally. 💍

Simple, I’m wearing a wedding band now. The wedding was surreal and there were so many things happening that I probably would dedicate a post just for this – ya know, for reviews and stuff. I’ve gotta get that done soon so you don’t have to wait too long lol.

What happened to Cryptohumans?

Well, nothing. 🤦‍♂️ I think it was just the hype of crypto hitting me and I felt so connected at that time. But right now, with the decreasing prices, and finding out that I should actually have more savings that I have right now, makes it hard to talk about it.

At the same time, there are so many websites that talk about cryptocurrencies these days that mine would just be another blog which I probably would not be able to provide as many insights as others. And since cryptocurrency is such a complicated thing, I didn’t want people telling me how I lost them cash. 🙉

So what’s next?

Hmm… I’m not sure really. Time isn’t really on my side for a blog but I’m definitely looking to do one. Something probably around privacy but maybe I will just do it on my own blog? Because buying and setting up WordPress is a bitch. 😪 And that way, I can blog whatever the hell I want – and to use this space wisely too.

I might just create tags properly and create categories. Maybe that’s what I’ll do. I think I’ll do the wedding review – and how we managed everything in easy mode.

I’ll also do something close to my heart and what I’ve been researching as well.


TL;DR: I'm married, Cryptohumans was a hoax, this is my main blog now.


Hey there, it’s been awhile. 👋

I’ve been meaning to update this whole page to change with what my passions are today. From photography club in university to now working in retail, things change so quickly, huh?

And yep, that’s why I’m going to talk more about what’s coming up in this year alone. Yes, it’s going to be insane. Which is why – new year, new look.

So what’s changed? A lot. Probably going to go through all of them paragraph by paragraph. Let’s go and be prepared for a long read! 😁


You’re probably wondering; “Why switch to something minimalistic?”, “And where are all the photo galleries from before?” Photography and videography is something I still hold dearly but it went off the rails. Simply, because I realised how “photo-adverse” I am lol.

How? It made me mad that I couldn’t do a proper job even though I needed experience. The perfectionist in me just couldn’t take it when I don’t take a nice photo. I think the insecurity started when I joined the photography club in university. I took a lot of photos, mind you; for clubs, for friends, for family, for events, and for myself. But, it wasn’t enough. I felt that I’ve not progressed at all and I’m just a guy that’s rich enough to purchase a 5D Mark III – just like the majority of people who do get DSLRs. 😂

So yes, I’m pretty much now the iPhone camera guy. Semi-retired from the DSLR unless there’s a big event or trip where I can help without pressure, then yeah. Otherwise, I usually use the “oh I forgot to charge my batteries” excuse – sorry guys. 😅

Relationship Marriage 💑

I think most of my close friends know I got attached in 2016 but here we are in 2018 and still with my woman. Not just that, I’m getting married this year – shocker. 🙀 Yep, that’s right folks, Mrs Tan is on the way.

So I’ll just put a photo here to show you how we’re going to look on our wedding day.

Welp, that was quick. Certainly, without a doubt. And for reasons such as…

New home

Wut? What funny ideas were you getting? Of course, it’s a new house – duh. And yep, I’ve just come full circle and it’s time for some adulting. It’s probably time since I’m 28 this year. Better to start early than late.

It’s going to be ready this coming March/April – another shocker. 🙀 So get ready your housewarming stuff cause I’m going to slowly invite you guys once it’s all ready! 🤑

And where’s this amazing place, you say? It’s called “The Criterion” and it’s at Yishun. Don’t worry, it’s in the safer part of Yishun – I hope. Let me paste the map and let me know if it is. 😅

There it is! My magnificent new home in the future. I’ll let the developers tell you all about it:

Work at that fruit company

I think most of you know where I work. I’m not going to leak any “juicy” or “crunchy” details about it. Some of you – whom I’ve not talked to for years – have already been asking me for discounts once you found out. 😒 Sorry can’t do, I’ve got a quota. But to those that I’ve helped – yes I’m looking at you, Siying – I hope you enjoyed them! 😁

Moving along, I’ve moved up from the corporate side of things to the retail store. Yes, we’ve only got 1 right now. Pretty obvious now, I hope. But it’s been crazy busy and tiring too. It’s something I’m actually still actively trying to adapt to. It’s fast paced, customer facing, and standing all day. But I must say, it’s really fun. I find myself lost in a conversation with customers that we can be in for hours – don’t they need to go somewhere though? 😅 And the gratitude I receive from them about the purchase is simply, priceless.

So yes, it’s been great but I feel like there’s more to it and I’ve gotta push harder this year. Probably after the wedding. 😁


Hi. I know I haven’t been the best friend in the world. Messages usually end with me not replying and I would come back only in like, 2 months? 😅

It’s not an ideal situation. But adulting is tough. On off days, I’m out with my lady on errands – either for the house or wedding. On other days, I’m just looking to disconnect and play those games I’ve missed for so long or just catch up on YouTube or literally lie in bed the whole day. The phone is literally sitting in my dock, not feeling any love from me – albeit playing games on it.

And you know what, it’s liberating. The pressure is off. I don’t have to always be on my phone to reply. Truthfully, I usually forget to reply once I put the text aside. So, thank you to those who didn’t get really angry when I didn’t send birthday messages or reply to you quick enough or to just catch up. 😊

What I do want to change though, is to meet up with all of you physically – and to pass those wedding invitations on. I just want to let you know what’s changed personally and to let you know what’s going to happen in this year or even the next. So hold on to your seats, ladies and gentlemen. I’ll be meeting a lot of you soon enough – if the Mrs approves that is.

New hobbies

Gaming has and always will be the number 1 thing that gets me going. That and technology. So that hasn’t changed. I’ve actually updated my suite of consoles with the latest edition of the Nintendo 3DS and Switch which I can’t wait to complete all the games on. I’ve got my Playstation 4 and Wii U as well for the crib when it’s ready! 🎮

The next one is pretty huge – because everyone’s talking about it. Yes, everyone in the world. It’s on the news every day. 😒 That’s right, it’s cryptocurrency. Yep, I’m investing and playing around with it. But that’s not what I’m here about.

It’s become a really diverse place out there but it’s really confusing with all the new coins and terminologies. And it’s pretty unforgiving. So I’ve decided to create a site to guide the uninitiated to the world of cryptocurrencies. I like researching about coins – pretty much 80% of the time spent on the computer now – and finding tips that through the hardest way possible – losing my own money. So I’m going to be here to help. 🖖 I hope it spreads so that people can know more! But I’m just going to do it out of my own passion for cryptocurrency – until shit hits the ceiling. But till then, we good. 😁

And I’ve already got it partly set up – – which is based on a guide for humans such as myself so that we can proceed to invest in the future of technology through blockchain. Yes, not really about getting cash but that works too. 😊



I’m just going to end my posts like this in the future. I’m going to do my best to update this as regularly as I can. Or whenever I meet up with peeps – I need to start organising them!